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Are a minority of consumers actually looking up the lowest price before purchasing a smartphone? Survey of Consumer Price Consciousness and Behavioral Patterns in Smartphone Purchasing


Happy iPhone," the latest smartphone information media operated by Lumiere d'Espoir (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President: Shima Tsuchijima), a joint venture that uses Internet media for advertising, site monetization, business expansion, and sales improvement, has announced the results of a survey of approximately 300 people on "consumer price awareness and behavior patterns in smartphone purchases. The results of the survey are as follows.

The survey revealed that consumers' price awareness and behavior patterns in smartphone purchases.

The survey reveals trends in consumer price-consciousness, such as which smartphones are often cheaper, and what means consumers use to check the lowest smartphone prices.

Survey Summary

Survey Period : July 28, 2023 - August 5, 2023

Survey organization : CrowdWorks, Inc.

Survey Target : Smartphone users (men and women in their teens to 60s) residing in Japan

Number of valid responses: 300

Survey method : Internet survey

When quoting the results of this survey, please use the following URL as the source.

(Source: )

16% of respondents answered that they "don't care about the lowest price in the first place.

What is your method of looking for the lowest price when buying a phone?" and 300 men and women in their teens to 60s were surveyed, with the following results.

How to look for a smartphone

The largest number of respondents (43%) chose to "look at". This indicates that online price comparison sites are an important tool for consumers to obtain pricing information.

In particular, the convenience and efficiency of is considered highly valued, as it is easy to research the lowest price for each product.

Next, 23% of respondents chose "look at other online articles," followed by 18% who chose "visit physical stores to compare.

These options may be chosen by consumers seeking more specific information and detailed comparisons. In particular, the choice to visit a physical store may reflect the need to confirm products by touching them directly or to obtain information through dialogue with store staff.

Last but not least, 16% of respondents said they did not care about the lowest price in the first place.

This indicates that about one in six of the total respondents are not concerned with price but with other factors (brand, quality, service, etc.), indicating that there is a segment of the population that is concerned with factors other than price.

Since smartphones are generally expensive products, it is perhaps surprising that about 20% of respondents choose to purchase them without considering price.

■Survey Result 2: AQUOS is the No. 1 smartphone with the image of "tends to be cheaper

The survey asked, "Which smartphone series have the image of being "often cheaper?" The following results were obtained from a survey of 300 men and women in their 10s to 60s.

Which smartphone series do you think often becomes cheaper?

The most common answer was "AQUOS" at 23%, followed by "OPPO" at 21%.

This suggests that consumers may perceive AQUOS and OPPO phones as frequently discounted.

On the other hand, iPhone, Galaxy, and Xperia are at 15%, 18%, and 15% respectively. While these brands are generally perceived as more expensive, they are perceived by some consumers to be less expensive through regular discounts and promotions.

Finally, Pixel received a relatively low result at 8%. This may be due to the fact that Pixel is newer than other brands, resulting in an image of less frequent price drops.

These could be important marketing information for smartphone sellers and manufacturers.

6 percent of respondents cited carrier stores as a place where they have an image of being able to buy a smartphone at a low price

In the question, "What sales channels do you associate with the image of being able to buy a smartphone at a discount?" to 300 men and women in their 10s to 60s, with the following results.

What sales channels do you think of as being able to buy a smartphone at a low price?

The most common answer was "Amazon" at 29%.

This is likely due to the fact that Amazon generally carries a wide range of products and frequently offers discounts and sales, which is perceived by consumers as a low-cost smartphone sales channel.

Next, 19% of respondents said they store at electronics retail stores, followed by 17% who store online at electronics retail stores.

This is generally due to the fact that consumer electronics retail stores are highly competitive in terms of price, and also the smartphone series that are often perceived to be cheaper both in stores and online? It is thought that they are regarded by consumers as a good place to buy because of their frequent sales and campaigns.

This is followed by "carrier online stores" at 15% and "Rakuten Ichiba" at 13%.

Although these are online purchases, they often offer their own discount campaigns and discount coupons, which may be a price-saving option for some consumers.

On the other hand, "carrier stores" has the lowest percentage at 6%.

This suggests that consumers may be shying away from purchasing at carrier stores because they generally tend to emphasize service and support over price competition, and because store operating costs are reflected in the price.

Overall, the results indicate that online sales channels play an important role in smartphone purchases.

■"happy iPhone" is updated with the latest information on smartphones and telecommunication carriers.

The "happy iPhone" website, a smartphone information media, provides updated information on iPhone and Android models, as well as the latest useful information on telecommunication carriers.

The latest information on iPhone, Android, and other models, as well as the latest useful information on telecommunications carriers, is updated on the happy iPhone website.

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■Operating company

Company name: Lumiere d'Espoir, LLC

Location :6-23-4 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Representative Director : Shima Tsuchijima

Establishment :January 7, 2021

Corporate website

Smartphone information media "happy iPhone

Site content: Latest information on iPhone and Android smartphone models and carrier communication-related information on docomo, au, SoftBank, etc.

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