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Toyohashi City to Use's "CAT. AI" as a welfare service guidance tool for people with disabilities

~Providing a wide range of service information smoothly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Aiming to develop welfare services that are easy for everyone to understand.

株式会社トゥモロー・ネット, Inc. (Head Office: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; President: Chang-Chin Lee; hereinafter referred to as "") announces that its AI service "CAT.AI" has been selected by "Urban Innovation TOYOHASHI," a project by Toyohashi City in Aichi Prefecture to solve regional issues through collaboration between start-ups and city hall. AI", an AI service provided by the company, has been selected for the Urban Innovation TOYOHASHI project, a collaborative effort between a startup and city hall in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, and the company will begin a demonstration experiment to digitize the Disability Welfare Division.

Toyohashi City x

Located roughly halfway along the Tokaido Highway, Toyohashi City has a diverse and well-balanced industrial structure, including agriculture, industry, and an export port, thanks to its abundant water and mild climate. Four years ago, Toyohashi City began a project called "Urban Innovation TOYOHASHI," in which startups and city officials collaborate to solve social and regional issues, and the city accepts proposals from startups to address the issues the city aims to address. The selected startups will work with city officials for approximately four months to conduct test use by citizens and trial introductions and demonstrations in the course of city hall operations, before considering full-scale introduction. will be participating in the "Urban Innovation TOYOHASHI" project in FY2023, in which the Disability Welfare Division of the Welfare Department is seeking applications for the "Am I eligible for the benefits? We will no longer say, "Am I eligible for benefits? We have developed and demonstrated a welfare service guide that is easy for anyone to understand! AI," and applied for the contest. AI," was selected from a record number of 43 applicants as one of two companies to conduct a demonstration experiment this fiscal year.

AI is a state-of-the-art "navigation-type interactive AI service" that provides voicebots and chatbots as an all-in-one solution. It provides a smooth and stress-free user experience by making full use of voice and text to address user issues. It is equipped with our proprietary NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, which enables natural communication as if the user were talking to a human being, even though it is an AI service. Toyohashi City evaluated the uniqueness of using voicebots (auditory) and chatbots (visual) simultaneously to guide complex welfare services, as well as's advanced technological capabilities. The welfare services provided by Toyohashi City to people with disabilities are complex and diverse, and we adopted this project with the expectation that it will provide a service that can respond to the increasing number of inquiries to the city 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It is expected that the know-how gained from the verification results, which will be conducted over the next four months, will have the potential to be widely used by other municipalities struggling with similar issues. will continue to work with Toyohashi City on future verifications and further utilize the results for future service development, aiming for better welfare services for people with disabilities.

CAT.AI introduction page:

About provides cutting-edge technology and sustainable infrastructure under the management philosophy of "Connecting to a joyful future based on IT", aiming to be a company that leads to a better society with excitement and joy. With our extensive experience in infrastructure, including hardware and software manufacturing, sales, operation, and maintenance, and our recent focus on consulting, development, operation, and support of AI services, we have established a unique position in the domestic system integration market. By providing a comprehensive range of services from infrastructure to AI services, we offer proposals that meet the detailed needs of our clients, including overall system flexibility, usability, cost optimization, and performance improvement.

Company Profile

Location : 3F, Prologis Urban Tokyo Shinagawa 1, 3-28-25 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

Representative: Chang-Chin Lee, President and Representative Director

Establishment : February 2005

Business : AI platform business, cloud computing business, SDI business


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