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The Peruvian Trade and Tourism Promotion Agency Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Peru


The Peruvian Trade and Tourism Promotion Agency (PROMPERÚ) held a PR event in Tokyo on Wednesday, August 30 and Thursday, August 31 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Peru and to promote Peru as a tourist destination.

The BAP Union, which came to Japan for the first time

On Wednesday, August 30, a presentation and reception luncheon was held at a Peruvian restaurant in Harajuku, Tokyo, for the main media, and after the luncheon, the participants moved to the Tokyo International Cruise Terminal (Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo) to view the facilities aboard the BAP Unión, one of South America's largest and most impressive training ships of the Peruvian Navy, which made its maiden voyage to Japan. On August 31 (Thu), a seminar for travel agents was held on the BAP Unión, with a presentation in the ship's mess hall and a guided tour of the ship.

Wednesday, August 30, presentation to the press by a representative of the Embassy's Commercial Section.

The presentations on both days consisted of two parts: Part 1 and Part 2, which introduced Peru's gastronomy, culture, and nature, as well as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the projects it is working on in the Amazon region.

In the first part of the tour, we showed not only Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines, but also the culture and tourist attractions of various regions of Peru, and introduced the "Attractiveness as a tourist destination," which won four awards* in the "2023 World Travel Awards South America Edition," and the "2023 World's 50 Best Restaurants," which won first place. The tour also introduced several restaurants that won awards, including Central in Lima, the capital of South America, which won first place in the "2023 World's 50 Best Restaurants" competition.

Members of the press being briefed on the deck

In the second part, JICA's project "Sustainable Development of the Cultural Landscape of the Upper Tocumba Valley," which is being undertaken in the southern Amazonas, was introduced. The event was a public relations event.

Mr. Albareda, Commercial Counselor, addressing the seminar on Thursday, August 31, 2012.

In 1873, Peru was the first country in Latin America with which Japan established diplomatic relations, and for Peru, Japan was the first country in Asia with which Peru established diplomatic relations. The Peruvian government designated "Peru-Japan Friendship Day" in 1989, and commemorative events are held every year.

In particular, in terms of tourism, until the Corona disaster, the number of Japanese tourists to Peru exceeded 40,000 a year, enjoying sightseeing at various places of interest and enjoying Peruvian cuisine that makes the most of locally grown ingredients. Since the easing of restrictions this year, the number of visitors has shown a rapid recovery.

We hope that through the PR events, the issuance of commemorative stamps, and other projects commemorating the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Peru, we can provide the latest information on Peruvian tourism to deepen the understanding of Peru among more Japanese people and encourage them to visit our country. 国に来訪いただけることを期待しています。

1. Best Tourist Attraction Award

 Best Cultural Destination Award

 Best Leading Destination Award

 Best Culinary Destination Award