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New Mesh Sensor Intrusion Reporting System Released ~Mesh sensor reliably detects and reports intrusion


PSD Corporation (Head Office: Kita-ku, Saitama City; Representative Director: Nobuyoshi Oyama; hereafter PSD) will begin selling an inexpensive and effective anti-theft system on September 21, 2023, to prevent the recent surge in theft of copper cables from solar power generation facilities.

▼ "Intrusion Reporting System with Mesh Sensor"

Sensor box

Background of development

PSD was founded in 2003 and has been manufacturing and selling security camera equipment. Recently, due to soaring resource prices, there has been a spate of thefts targeting thick copper cables that are widely used in solar power generation facilities, and several of our customers have consulted with us about this issue. Once damaged, the damage is not only to the components but also to the cost of restoration work and loss of electricity sales during the period when power cannot be generated, which can total tens of millions of yen.

Therefore, we have developed an anti-theft system that arranges sensors in a mesh pattern, using our 20+ years of expertise in crime prevention.

This system is a mesh of intrusion prevention sensors installed at various locations within a photovoltaic power generation facility, forming a sensor network that cannot be avoided by thieves who enter the facility.

Conventional beam-type sensors installed to cover the four sides of a property are expensive to install and are easily recognizable, making them relatively weak against professional thieves, who may break in by cutting the wire mesh without beams, or by cutting the power supply to disable the sensors. The "Intrusion Reporting System with Mesh Sensors" installs sensors randomly on the premises, making it impossible to bypass the sensors at the time of intrusion. In addition, each sensor and communication device has a built-in battery, so that even if the main power supply is turned off by a criminal, the individual devices can continue to report the intrusion. Even if an intruder cuts off the main power supply or existing communication lines, each sensor and dedicated communication device will operate independently on its own battery, so even after the main power supply is cut off, they will continue to detect intruders and notify the administrator one after another. This means that the manager can be sure to notice intruders in the early stages of intrusion, and can check real-time video images and report to the police before they cause damage, and the speaker function can repel the intruders with its voice. The system can be installed at a very low cost of 6,400 yen per month (tax included) on a 5-year lease, including installation costs, making it possible to install the system at small-scale power generation facilities, while the system can be scaled up by installing multiple sets at large-scale facilities such as mega solar power plants.

Features of the "Mesh Sensor Intrusion Reporting System

1. Multiple sensors make it impossible to avoid

By arranging multiple sensors in a mesh-like pattern at various locations on the premises, intruders are reliably detected because they cannot avoid the sensors from multiple directions and enter the premises. 2.

2. Inability to turn off the power

Since each individual device has a built-in battery and operates on battery power even if the main power supply is cut off, each sensor can report an intrusion individually and continuously. This allows the administrator to detect intrusion in its early stages and take effective action before damage occurs.

3. repel the intrusion

Upon receiving a notification, the administrator can check the real-time video, notify the police, and use the speaker function to alert the intruder audibly to stop the intruder from committing the crime. The greatest advantage of this system is that it can prevent damage by proactively taking action before it occurs.

Outline of "Intrusion Alert System with Mesh Sensor

Date of release: September 21, 2023

Price: 6,400 yen per month for a 5-year lease including installation costs (tax included)

      Separate communication fee: 3,300 yen per month (tax included)

Equipment configuration: Multiple sensors/cameras, communication equipment

      Details of the equipment are not disclosed for security reasons (disclosed to the client).

Distributors: Nationwide distributors are currently being recruited.

Product URL :

Target Market

Anti-theft measures for power lines at solar power generation facilities nationwide

Future expansion

Aiming for sales of 300 sets and sales of 100 million yen in the first year. Currently recruiting sales agents nationwide.

Company Profile

Company name: PSD Corporation

Representative: Nobuyoshi Oyama, Representative Director

Location: 1-332-6 Yoshino-cho, Kita-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 331-0811

Establishment: February 19, 2003

Business description: Manufacture and sales of security cameras

Capital : 13.5 million yen

Company URL :


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