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How to Find "Reasons to Choose" and Turn "Non-Customers" into "Customers"? An advanced course for learning WebCA research and analysis will be additionally offered!

~Practical work to switch from onsite analysis to offsite analysis and achieve results~.


The Web Consultants and Web Advisors Association (WebCA, President: Narutoshi Gon) will hold a series of advanced courses starting in January 2024 to master "Competitive Research" and "Strategic Canvas," which are essential skills for advanced web advisors. One class is already full, so we have set a new date and are accepting additional applications.

Off-site Analysis

Until now, analysis and analysis have been dominated by onsite analysis using web analysis tools such as Google Analytics and, more recently, Google Analytics 4. In recent years, however, the results have been limited by the increasingly complex consumer behavior known as omni-channel. At the same time, the protection of personal information is being strengthened, making in-site analysis more difficult.

This is why WebCA proposes analysis "outside" of the site. This is the most important method to effectively improve results without relying on in-site analysis such as Google Analytics. What to research, how to research, and how to analyze the results to find "reasons to be chosen"? How do we find out what and how to analyze the results in order to find out why people choose our products and services? Afterwards, each participant will present the issues they worked on, and exchange opinions and advice. This is not an end of learning, but a practical work to be applied to actual work. This is an opportunity to systematically acquire skills ranging from research and analysis to proposals.

For more information, please visit

WebCA Advanced Course 【Competitive Research】 【Strategic Canvas】Practical Work

Contents of the course

What is [Competitor Survey]?

Competitive research compares the differences between your company and multiple competitors. In this course, you will learn how to find and locate competitors, as well as various research methods such as price research, content research, product/service research, and physical store research, in order to accurately understand your competitors. It is not necessary to tackle all of them, but by knowing what research is necessary now and practicing it, you will learn "how to search for a winning strategy.

What is [Strategy Canvas]?

It is a method of comparing your company with your competitors based on the results of competitive research. By drawing a strategic canvas, you will be able to identify which value is superior, highlight your differentiated advantages, and learn how to turn "non-customers" into "customers. In addition, you will learn how to deal with cases where there is no outstanding advantage, and acquire the ability to derive a reason to be chosen.

We recommend that you take the Competitive Research and Strategy Canvas courses as a set.

Recommended for the following people

Production companies and web analysts who have trouble submitting monthly reports.

Those who feel limited by the results of only internal site analysis.

Those who cannot find a "reason to be selected" for their company.

Those who want to learn specific methods of research and analysis.

Those who want to acquire practical skills.

Seminar name

WebCA Advanced Seminar 【Competitive Research】 【Strategic Canvas】Practical Work

WebCA membership registration is required to attend the advanced seminar. Please register as a member and join the seminar. Please refer to the following URL for membership information.

Dates, Location, and Fee

Advanced Seminar 【Competitive Research】 <Classroom lecture (preliminary study)

<Classroom lecture (preliminary study)

Participants are required to watch the video and work on their own assignments before the first day of the practical work.

<Practical work (2 sessions)

Dates: 1st session scheduled for January 25, 2024 (Thursday) / 2nd session scheduled for February 8, 2024 (Thursday)

   (The schedule can be adjusted around the above dates.

    Please let us know if you would like to adjust the schedule when you apply.)

Time: Scheduled for both days from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Place: Zoom *Please let us know if you wish to attend at the venue (Komagome, Tokyo)

<Fee: 132,000 yen

132,000 yen (tax included)

Breakdown: Classroom lecture 33,000 yen Practical work 99,000 yen

Advanced Course "Strategic Canvas

<Classroom lecture (prior learning)

Participants are required to watch the video and work on their own assignments before the first day of the practical work.

<Practical work (2 sessions)

Dates: 1st session scheduled for February 28, 2024 (Wednesday) / 2nd session scheduled for March 13, 2024 (Wednesday)

   (The schedule can be adjusted around the above dates.

    Please let us know if you would like to adjust the schedule when you apply.)

Time: Scheduled to be from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on both days

Place: Zoom *Please let us know if you wish to attend at the venue (Komagome, Tokyo)

<Fee: 132,000 yen

132,000 yen (tax included)

Breakdown: Classroom lecture 33,000 yen, Practical work 99,000 yen

For an overview of the entire advanced course, please watch this video.


Web Consultants and Web Advisors Association

Director: Saori Murakami

Lecturer: Saori Murakami



Saori Murakami has worked as an SE at a system development company since 1998, and then at Gonweb Consulting (now Gonweb Innovations Inc.) since 2004. With 25 years of experience in the web industry, he has conducted many seminars and lectures on website development and marketing based on strategy.

◆How to apply

Please let us know your interest in attending the seminar by filling out the inquiry form.

Deadline: Friday, December 29, 2023

Attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. Early registration is recommended.


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