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"A fire festival with no escape!" A powerful fire festival in a small precinct The "Suita Fire Festival" will be held on February 11 at Joko Enmanji Temple

宗教法人 常光円満寺

On Sunday, February 11, 2024, a traditional event called "Suita no Hi-Matsuri" (Fire Festival in Suita), a fire festival, will be held on the premises of Joko Enmanji Temple, a religious corporation with a history of approximately 1,300 years and the family temple of Shogun Ashikaga (located at 28-13 Motomachi, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture; Chief Priest: Akihide Fujita).

Scene of the Fire Festival

The fire festival at Joko Enmanji Temple is known as "the fire festival with no escape" in the narrow precincts of the temple surrounded by buildings in the city. You can see the very powerful fire festival up close. If you stand downwind of the goma smoke, which is said to ward off bad luck, you will be exposed to the smoke with your whole body.

All around you is white from the smoke.

Joko Enmanji Temple is the birthplace of Suita's Yamabushi, and the "Suita Fire Festival" held on Sunday, February 11, 2024, is a famous event held in the small precincts of the temple and has continued for many years as a traditional event.

In the main hall, a Buddhist priest performs the "Hoshi Matsuri Buddhist Memorial Service. In the main hall, each visitor can receive a purification ceremony by a priest.


Hoshi Matsuri (Star Festival) Buddhist Service

What is the Shibatoh Grand Gomah Ceremony?

This is a traditional ceremony in which a piece of wood called "gomagi" is burned with the flame of Fudo Myoo's wisdom to pray for good luck and good health in the coming year. Mountain ascetics who have mastered the path of Shugendo perform the ceremony by dedicating bows, swords, and axes in accordance with traditional manners, and then ignite the flames on the gomadan. The flames that rise high in the air are mesmerizing.

Outline of the "Great Shibatoh Goma Memorial Service

Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024

Location: Joko Enmanji Temple (28-13 Motomachi, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture)

Access : 5 minutes walk from JR Suita Station, 5 minutes walk from Hankyu Suita Station

Parking: No parking on the day of the event (usually 25 spaces)

Capacity: None

Fee: None

Application: 500 yen per gomagi, special prayer 5,000 yen and up

Matcha green tea will be served at the tea ceremony table in the hall (100 yen).

        ・Osunadomori (sand stepping) at 88 temples in Shikoku (10 temples)

        Large raffle draw

        (Luxury foodstuffs, goody bags, rice, and other gorgeous prizes. No one will be left out)

Schedule: 10:45 Lighting ceremony by Suita Mayor and Fire Chief

        11:00 Hoshi Matsuri Grand Memorial Service by monks in the main hall

        11:40 Bushido Grand Goma Ceremony by monks in the temple grounds

        13:00 Big lottery


Corporate Profile

Temple Name: Joko Enmanji Religious Corporation

Representative: Kohide Fujita, Resident

Location: 28-13 Motomachi, Suita-shi, Osaka 564-0031

Establishment : 735

Business : Temple

Capital : 100 million yen


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