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Experience the wonders of Japan by bike. MERIDA X BASE Introducing New Guided Cycling Tours to Experience the Nature, Culture and History of the Izu Peninsula


MERIDA Japan K.K. (Head office:  Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture, President: Saburo Fukuda) is announcing  the launch of a new cycle guided tour at MERIDA X BASE (Izunokuni City,  Shizuoka Prefecture), a MERIDA exhibition and rental facility. The guided tours  are designed to experience the nature, culture and history of the Izu Peninsula  in Shizuoka Prefecture.

It is a unique combination of that visitors  to Japan can enjoy to the fullest. The must-see places in Izu, the natural  beauty of Japan's four seasons, and the tasteful local cuisines. This cycle  guided tour takes you to spots carefully selected by MERIDA X BASE staff, who  are well versed in the geography, history and culture of the Izu area. 

The tour will take you to the blue  coastline and beautiful green mountains where the scenery changes with the  seasons, old temples and shrines where you can feel the history, and local  seafood and traditional regional cuisine. Allows you to experience the breath-taking  moments of the Izu Peninsula, where MERIDA X BASE is located.

Two tour plans are available: the Izunokuni  City Course and the Izu City Course.

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The bikes used on the tours are basically  E-BIKEs (electric motor-assisted sports bicycles). This makes it easy to ride  on the steep mountain roads of the Izu Peninsula. With that, the tour can be  enjoyed without worrying about the fitness differences within the group.

[Guided tour details]

Dates :                MERIDA X BASE operating days  (advance booking required, up to 7 days in advance)                        

Where to meet :   MERIDA X BASE (in IZUVILLAGE, 195-2 Takyo, Izunokuni, Shizuoka,  Japan)

Prices:                  For  2 participants: 33,000 yen per person (incl. tax) 

                            For  3 participants: 30,800 yen per person (incl. tax)

                            For  4 participants: JPY 28,600 per person (incl. tax)

                            For  5 participants: JPY 27,500 per person (incl. tax)

                            (Bicycle  rental, lunch and guide fees included)

Max. capacity:      5 participants (minimum: 2 participants)

Reservation:         Online booking  ( *English Available

[Course Description]

Izunokuni City Course

Izunokuni City Course (1)(joyama)

Izunokuni City Course (2)(Tea picking experience)

Izunokuni City Course (3) (Nirayama Reverberatory Furnace)

Izunokuni City Course (4)(Ganjoin Temple)

This course takes you to the historical  heritage sites. The tour will visit "Ganjojuin" temple, which is  associated with the Hojo family and houses five Buddhist statues designated as  national treasures, including a ‘Seated image of the main deity, Amida Nyorai’.  Additionally, the "Nirayama Hansharo" (Nirayama Refractory Furnace)  facility, registered as a World Heritage Site represents Japan's iron and steel  manufacturing, shipbuilding and coal industry in the Meiji Era. Along the way,  you have the opportunity to experience one of Izu's unique experiences, such as  strawberry picking, orange picking or tea picking, depending on the season.

Duration: 6 hours (distance: 26 km,  elevation: 251 m)

Course: MERIDA X BASE → Nirayama Hansharo →  Ganjoin Temple → Lunch → MERIDA X BASE

Izu City Course

Izu City Course (1)(Wasabi Field)

Izu City Course (2)(Hot Spring Stand)

Izu City Course (3)(Kano River)

Izu City Course (4)(Tofu Making Experience)

Take in the natural beauty of the Kano  River while exploring the wasabi fields, a specialty of the Izu Peninsula. The  course also includes a stop at a captivating ‘hot spring vending machine’,  which combines a hot spring with a vending machine. Afterwards, at the local  vegetable store "Omi no Sato Kitaraku", you will experience making  ‘Omi Tofu’ made from local soya beans and famous Amagi natural water, and of  course enjoy the taste of it.

Duration: 6 hours (distance: 44 km,  elevation: 766 m)

Course: MERIDA X BASE→visit wasabi  fields→hot spring vending machine→tofu making & lunch→MERIDA X BASE


The tour may be cancelled if the weather  forecast 2 days before the tour is predicted to rain on the tour day.

Participants are responsible for their own  transport and accommodation costs to and from the MERIDA X BASE.

Lockers are available at the MERIDA X BASE.

Junior high students and under must be  accompanied by a parent or guardian.



Inside the MERIDA X BASE


MERIDA X BASE is one of the world's largest  cycling facilities, with a permanent display and rental of approximately 150  MERIDA models and a wide range of other content. It offers a unique experience  in the best possible environment, based on the three X's: XCITING (EXCITING),  XCELLENT (EXCELLENT) and XPERIENCE (EXPERIENCE). The facility can also be  utilized for a variety of purposes, including pre-purchase reviews, events,  rest and meeting points during cycling, and as a cycling hub after purchase.

[Facility outline]


Location: IZUVILLAGE, 195-2 Takyo,  Izunokuni, Shizuoka, Japan

URL : 

[Company Profile]

Company name: Merida Japan K.K.

Representative: Saburo Fukuda, President 

Location: B1F, 2746-5, Inokuchi, Nakai-cho,  Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa. Zip 259-0151 

Establishment: June 2010 (Founded 1890)

Business activities: Bicycle manufacturing  and sales

Capital: 10 million yen

URL : 

For further information, contact.


TEL: 0558-77-2727/E-mail: 

Business hours: 9:00-17:00, open all year  round (except year-end and New Year holidays)