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Tsuchiya Corporation, a nursing care company, in line with the introduction of "reasonable accommodation" as an obligation, In-house training session with Mr. Seiichiro Shirai, Deputy Secretary General of the DPI Japan Conference


In May 2024, Tsuchiya Corporation held an in-house training session with Mr. Seiichiro Shirai, Deputy Secretary General of DPI Japan, as a lecturer in order to understand reasonable accommodation and the measures required of private businesses, and to realize a society without discrimination and barriers within the company.

Tsuchiya Corporation (headquartered in Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture; Toshiyuki Takahama, President; 2,646 employees) is a social business enterprise that provides home-visit nursing care services for people with severe disabilities throughout Japan, as well as daycare services and home nursing care for the elderly.

Mr. Seiichiro Shirai, Deputy Secretary General of the DPI Japan Conference, which has 91 member organizations of people with disabilities, and who himself has an intractable congenital myopathy, gave a lecture on reasonable accommodation and how private businesses should respond, using a variety of examples, The lecture provided a great deal of insight into our company's efforts to make reasonable accommodation mandatory.

Outline of the Internal Training

Date: May 23, 2024

Theme :How will the "provision of reasonable accommodation" change with the introduction of the mandatory provision of reasonable accommodation?

      ~What will be required of private businesses?

Purpose :Understanding of reasonable accommodation and establishment of internal infrastructure

Lecturer :Mr. Seiichiro Shirai, Deputy Secretary General, DPI Japan

Venue : Online

Participants :All Tsuchiya Group employees

Outline of Internal Training Content

<Training Contents on the day of the training

(1) Progress leading up to the obligatory provision of reasonable accommodation

Changes due to the revision of the law

What is reasonable accommodation?

4. examples of providing reasonable accommodation

Toward the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities

Mr. Seiichiro Shirai, Deputy Secretary General, DPI Japan

According to the revision of the Law for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, "reasonable accommodation" for persons with disabilities will be changed from an "effort obligation" to an "obligation" for private businesses in April 2024 and onward. In this training course, the DPI Japan Conference, which has been working to make it mandatory, provided detailed explanations of the following three points that have changed as a result of this revision of the law.

(1) Reasonable accommodation is now obligatory for private businesses as well.

(2) Establishment of a point of contact (trial project of consultation system)

(3) Collection, organization, and provision of case examples

Based on the above, a lecture was given on "what is reasonable accommodation" from the perspective of the Law for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, which states that "through discussion (constructive dialogue), both persons with disabilities and businesses should search for a "landing place" so that persons with disabilities can work in the same manner as able-bodied persons. The participants were asked to understand the importance of "removing social barriers" so that people with disabilities can work in the same way as able-bodied people through discussions (constructive dialogues).

In addition, he explained various cases of "excessive burden," which has always been a problem, and also showed concrete ways to provide reasonable accommodation by taking up good examples.

Message from Toshiyuki Takahama, Representative Director

Toshiyuki Takahama, Representative Director, Tsuchiya Co.

Reasonable accommodation" under the Law for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities is no longer an "obligation" but a "duty," but whether the Tsuchiya Group is fully fulfilling this duty, we can only say no. However, we can only say "no" to the question of whether we, the Tsuchiya Group, are fully fulfilling this obligation.

Today's training is one of our efforts to eliminate social exclusion, and since our business of providing home-visit care services for persons with severe disabilities is one of such efforts, we believe that our own failure to fulfill this obligation should be seen as a problem.

The Law for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities is only a law, not a guideline, and as a business, we need to comply with this law as we comply with the Labor Standards Law and various other laws.

At the same time, I myself have worked with people with disabilities on projects to overcome barriers in society in the past as part of a movement for people with disabilities.

I would like to take this training as an opportunity to establish a project team to promote efforts to make this mandatory so that we can fulfill this obligation and realize a society without discrimination and without barriers, not only outside the company but also within the company as well.

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Company Profile

Company name: Tsuchiya Corporation

Location :2F Hisayasu Central Building, 192-2 Ibara-cho, Ibara-shi, Okayama

Representative Director: Toshiyuki Takahama

Establishment :August 2020

Business description : Disability welfare service business and community life support business,

      In-home service business based on the Long-Term Care Insurance Law,

      Planning, holding, and operation of lectures and workshops, and training business,

      Home-visit nursing business


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