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Neuromagic Supports Workport's Rebranding July 1, corporate brand site and logo also redesigned.

~Co-creation workshops to analyze the current situation and build the brand


Neuromagic Corporation (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Motoharu Kuroi; hereafter "the Company"), which provides services in the areas of SX, UX, design sprints, and service design, will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024. The company will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024.

(headquartered in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; Takahiro Tamura, Chairman & CEO; hereinafter referred to as "Workport"), and supported the company's corporate brand renewal on July 1, 2024 (Monday).

A wide range of design areas (service/brand/communication, etc.) with an emphasis on the customer experience

Analysis of Workport's current situation and accompanying brand building

Case study URL:

Background of the rebranding

Workport will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2023. In order to achieve further growth and contribute to society over the next 10 to 20 years, the background and purpose of the rebranding was to clarify the brand identity, i.e., "what kind of presence do we want to have for our customers? We have been involved in the field of UX (user experience) since 2021, and in this project, we supported the redefinition of the company's brand identity by understanding and organizing the current situation from an objective guideline.

Specifically, we worked with the client to build better relationships with stakeholders through rebranding.

(1)Project design (interviews and team building)

(2)Workshop (5 days, 16 hours total)

(3)Creative production (brand verbalization and visualization)

(4) Creation of guidelines

We will continue to not only verbalize your brand identity, but also visualize and verbalize your brand identity in the form of on-site guidelines to help you achieve a common understanding and consistent branding for your internal and external stakeholders.

Our case study:

A concept that emphasizes Workport's value proposition

New brand logo, colors, and corporate website

We proposed a rebranding of Workport with the concept "Confidence in the Next Step" that emphasizes the values Workport provides. The brand logo, which represents "sincerity" and "rationality," expresses stable sincerity and smart rationality through two types of letters with different weights. The "+" in the accent mark represents two meanings: "Tsunagu = connecting people and companies as a recruitment agency" and "Tasu = providing positive value to the people who gather at Workport and making a positive contribution to society as a whole. The brand color is a deep moss green. The brand color is a deep moss green, which expresses the provision of high quality services with sincerity and trust. The secondary color for the "+" is a bright yellow that evokes a sense of happiness. This color evokes the bright and shining future described in Purpose's "Connecting people and companies to the future they want to be.

Comment from Mr. Eiji Hayashi, Executive Officer and General Manager of Marketing Department, Business Promotion & Planning Division, Workport Co.

Mr. Eiji Hayashi, Workport Co.

In the 20 years since our founding, we have always been changing with a sense of speed, and as a result, there has gradually been a gap between public recognition and the direction we are aiming for. To resolve this issue, we launched a rebranding project with the cooperation of Neuromagic. The rebranding project was a difficult one, as the PVV (Purpose, Vision, and Values) was being formulated in parallel with the rebranding project, and we had to follow the trends of the PVV while proceeding with the project. We are very grateful to the client for their support. We feel that we have taken a new step toward becoming a company of choice in the future.

・Neuromagic Corporation Company Profile

・Company name:NeuroMagic, Inc.

・Representative:Motoharu Kuroi, President and CEO

・Location:3F Tsukiji 616 Building, 6-16-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan

・Established:September 1994

・Capital:57,060,780 yen

・Business : Communication design, service design,Communication design, service design, brand design, and various creative productions,training, lectures, and business development,Sustainable transformation consulting

・Employees:106 *As of February 2024

・Sales:1,227 million yen in the fiscal year ending February 2024 (30th fiscal year)


・Wantedly :

・Seminars hosted by us:


Logo Image