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Kododo-Hari, Acupuncture for Children, an Ancient Japanese Tradition Book useful for acupuncturists as well as moms and dads to be published on 7/20

Book "Shottai Kodomo Hari Baby Tei Acupuncture" (Children's Acupuncture without Stabbing: Baby Tei Acupuncture)


Tomohiro Yube, Director of Yube Family Clinic (located in Akashi-shi, Hyogo Prefecture), is pleased to announce the publication of the book "Shotsai Kodomo Hari: Baby Tei Acupuncture" on July 20, 2024, by Seifusha (located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative: Shizuo Okamura).

Kodomo hari," acupuncture and moxibustion for children. You may have heard of it at least somewhere. Children's acupuncture is a historical therapy that is said to have been practiced since the Edo period (1603-1868).

However, its details and when to use it are not well known to many people.

Therefore, the author, Tomohiro Yube, developed "Baby Tei Acupuncture(R)" as a method that fits the constitution of modern children and the values of their guardians, based on the techniques of pediatric acupuncture that have been handed down in Japan from ancient times, and compiled the contents of this book.

Book cover

Children's Acupuncture" has a long history, but is not well known.

There are many methods of treating children in the world, but pediatric acupuncture is a minor form of stimulation that can be performed on children as young as 0 years old, and is only performed by nationally certified acupuncturists or physicians. Therefore, it is an excellent and safer method for treating children's delicate minds and bodies.

In Osaka in the Meiji and early Showa periods, pediatric acupuncture was often used to treat children's daily problems, such as crying at night and tantrums.

Today, however, the number of acupuncturists who can perform pediatric acupuncture is increasing nationwide, but the practice has not yet spread widely among the general child-rearing population.

One of the reasons for this may be the lack of literature and books on pediatric acupuncture.

Therefore, the author, Tomohiro Yube, wrote "Shodo-Hari Baby Teishin" as a useful book for acupuncture and moxibustion practitioners as well as parents.

Shinsatsu Shodanai Kosodan Hari Baby Tei-Shin (Acupuncture for Children: Baby Tei-Shin)

Child acupuncture is actually in high demand for current child rearing issues.

One of the problems that tend to aggravate child-rearing neuroses and child abuse is that parents "do not have anyone to talk to" or "do not know or do not know where they can go for advice.

In such a situation, acupuncture clinics that offer pediatric acupuncture are relatively low-rise for parents who are worried about the burden and anxiety of child rearing, and function as a place where they can easily consult about everything from mental and physical problems to child rearing and daily life issues.

This is because pediatric acupuncture can be performed on children as young as 0 years old, and aims to strengthen the child's healthy physical and mental conditions, such as eating, sleeping, passing stools, improving mood, and regulating the autonomic nervous system. In other words, it is useful in supporting all the problems that parents often consult with us about, such as crying at night, tantrums, rough skin, constipation, uneven eating, tics, bed-wetting, non-attendance at school, and other problems that are less than illnesses (pre-symptoms).

These problems are often difficult to find improvement in hospitals alone, or they are told to "wait and see" and not treated, making it difficult for parents to find a solution and increasing the burden and anxiety of child-rearing, even if the child is not ill. Especially in recent years, more and more parents are learning about pediatric acupuncture as a result of non-attendance at school or growth and development problems.

By using the gentle and delicate techniques of pediatric acupuncture and the unique perspective of Oriental medicine, we can help with ailments before they become illnesses, thereby reducing the burden and anxiety of parenting and preventing child-rearing neuroses.

Scene of treatment on a child

■This book is also useful for parents raising children

At first glance, the contents of this book are intended for acupuncture and moxibustion practitioners, but they are written in easy-to-understand expressions so that parents raising children will also find it useful.

For example,

Criteria for selecting a pediatric acupuncture clinic

What is the purpose of the treatment?

How to deal with children's disorder

Psychology of children

How to take care of your child at home

Psychology of children, and home remedies.

Baby Teishin Acupuncture course

■Treatment that is also applicable to adults

The "Baby Tei-Shin" method introduced in this book is applicable not only to infants and toddlers, but also to adults.

For adults who are uncomfortable with needles or for those with delicate senses such as artists and athletes, it often produces a better response than needles.

Even if you are not comfortable with needling acupuncture, reading this book and gaining a deeper understanding of acupuncture without stabbing will give you more options when caring for your body and mind.

Non-stabbing Acupuncture for Adults

Why don't you start by learning about it?

It is a natural parental concern to protect their children and important risk management to not allow their precious children to be subjected to treatments they do not understand.

If you gain a deeper understanding of pediatric acupuncture through this book and find that it seems to help you resolve your concerns, please add pediatric acupuncture to your list of options to make it a part of your child-rearing routine. We hope that it will reduce the burden and anxiety of child-rearing even if only a little.

Author Tomohiro Yube

Representative of Yube Family Therapy Clinic

Acupuncturist, certified psychologist, childcare worker, registered sales representative, father of three

Currently, as the representative of Yube Family Clinic in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture, he provides treatment to adults and infants, and also teaches pediatric acupuncture at Kobe Toyo Medical School, an acupuncture and moxibustion school.

He also invented "Baby Tei-Acupuncture (R)," a non-stabbing acupuncture for children, and conducts seminars on Baby Tei-Acupuncture for acupuncturists all over Japan.

She is also a licensed psychologist and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) trainer, and organizes the NLP Relationship Lab, where she holds study sessions on interpersonal communication for medical and support professionals.

She is the author of "Mama ga Easier to Cure Atopy" (Sun Lux), "Night Cries and Tantrums Subside! Magical Nenne Touch" (Shuwa System), and "Preventing Parent-Child Miscommunication: Effective NLP Techniques and Five Element Temperament Classification" (Tsuge Shobo Shinsha).

Author's recent work

■Bibliographic Information

Title: "Shottai Shodanai Kodomo Hari Baby Tei Acupuncture" (Children's Acupuncture without Sticking: Baby Tei Acupuncture)

Table of Contents

Introduction: As an Intermediary Between Hospital and Home

Chapter 1 What is pediatric acupuncture?

Chapter 2: Children's Physical Characteristics and Response to Children

Chapter 3 Baby Teisen: Examination Methods for Children

Chapter 4 Baby Teishin Tools and Self-Care at Home

Chapter 5 Baby Teishin Techniques

Chapter 6: Points to Consider for Main Symptoms

Chapter 7: Dealing with Parents and Guardians

Chapter 8: How to build a pediatric acupuncture clinic

Author :Tomohiro Yube

Publisher :Seifusha

Price : 2,860 yen (tax included)

Format :A5 size

Number of pages: 204

isbn : 978-4-9912952-9-4

Publication date : July 20, 2024

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