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Developed "Brainwave TIPS for Seniors."

~EEG data shows characteristic response to TV commercial ads


Tokyu Agency Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Toshiyuki Kosaka) announces the development of "Brainwave TIPS for Senior Citizens" based on brainwave data as a new creative method.

We are committed to developing and providing integrated solutions that combine "data and creativity" to help our clients achieve business growth.

In the "Brainwave Project" (*1), we are researching what kind of messages lead to purchase behavior based on brainwave data (*2) in the creative expression of TV commercials. We have studied and analyzed the brain wave data measured during the viewing of TV commercials by seniors, based on the experience and knowledge of creators and the strategic viewpoint of strategic planners, and compiled them into "Brainwave TIPS for Seniors.

Brainwave Tips for Seniors

We analyzed the brain waves of seniors (aged 60-70), who are highly exposed to TV and are important targets for purchasing behavior, during the viewing of TV commercials in the "beauty," "health," and "insurance" categories. As a result, we were able to confirm not only the characteristics specific to seniors by generation, but also those by gender.


<Senior women like "positivity.

In messages to senior women, negative portrayals of "aging" should be avoided. Rather than stimulating a complex, it is better to imagine the bright results that can be obtained by solving the problem, which will lead to arousal of interest and favorable response.


<Senior men are aroused by "logical" ways of communicating.

Senior men tend to be interested in commercials that logically explain how "issues and problems" can be solved. A commercial structure that explains what the product is and its functions and features in that order is more likely to be understood.


<Seniors do not like all singing and dancing commercials.

Be careful not to overload song and dance commercials with too much information. If information is conveyed one after another, including songs, melodies, images, dances, and product features, it is difficult to understand. If you want people to remember only the product name and simple features, it is acceptable to convey them with movements and sounds.

1 "Brainwave Project

1 "Brainwave Project" is an in-house brainwave research and development project to develop creative methods and advertising expressions based on the analysis of brainwave data. The team consists of creators, strategic planners, digital planners, and data analysts. To date, brain wave data from over 300 people has been analyzed, and brain wave tips for people in their 20s to 40s will be developed in the spring of 2023.

EEG Project

2 "EEG data" used for analysis.

Actual measurement data by XICA. The system uses a proprietary algorithm to analyze the relationship between "brain wave data," "subject questionnaire," and "creative elements" to identify creative elements that lead to commercial effects and utilize them in creative development. 16 brain waveforms obtained by wearing electrodes on the head when viewing commercials are converted into the following three waveforms and visualized. The data is converted into the following three waveforms and visualized.

Emotional distance: Degree of emotional distance (approach/escape) to the target

Emotional intensity: The magnitude of the emotion and the degree of response in the unconscious mind.

Attention: Degree of active processing of information.


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