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CNS receives 2024 Partner Award from SAS Institute Japan 2024 Partner Award by SAS Institute Japan Best System Integrator Award" at the 2024 Partner Awards by SAS Institute Japan!


CNS Corporation (Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President: Masahide Sekine), an IT solutions company that creates new value to advance society, has won the "Best System Integrator Award" at the 2024 Partner Awards by SAS Institute Japan, Inc. (hereafter, SAS), has received the "Best System Integrator Award" at the 2024 Partner Awards by SAS Institute Japan, Inc.

SAS and MHI have been collaborating in the areas of Customer Intelligence and Risk Solution since becoming development partners in 2012. In January 2024, we started our original "U-Way Migration to SAS Viya Construction Support Service" was released in January 2024.

We will continue to contribute to people, society, and the future by creating sustainable new value.

Reasons for the award

The award was given in recognition of the company's contribution to Viya migration through its participation in a large-scale Viya4 project, the establishment of a Viya4 delivery system within CNS, and the release of the SAS Viya Migration to SAS Viya Construction Support Service.

Receiving the award

(Left) Mr. Chikara Tejima, President, SAS Institute Japan K.K.

(Right) Mr. Gavin Dey, EVP, Office of the CEO, SAS

(Middle) Mr. Masahide Sekine, President and Representative Director, CNS Corporation

About the SAS Partner Award

The SAS Partner Award is presented to partners who have made significant contributions to the SAS business from a variety of perspectives, including their achievements in the SAS solutions business, outstanding implementation projects, and innovative projects that utilize SAS AI technology and other technologies.

For more information:

About U-Way Migration to SAS Viya

For details of the service, please refer to the following URL

Service introduction:

Service website:

U-Way is a registered trademark of SAS Corporation and its affiliates.

SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries.

(R) indicates USA registration.


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