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Children's smartphone dependence skyrockets during summer vacation, harming both their bodies and their minds Parent-child program in Kujukuri to give up smartphones, work in fields and play in water


Kodomo to Kurashi Co. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative: Sachiko Akagawa), which operates a Steiner children's school in Minato-ku, Tokyo, is holding a program for parents and children every Saturday and Sunday in Kujukuri, Chiba Prefecture, where children can get away from their smartphones and spend long hours on the Internet, working in the fields, playing with water, and catching insects in the nature. On Sunday, August 18, 2024, a woodworking workshop with a carpenter as an instructor will be held at the same time as a project to support free research during the summer vacation.

Steiner Garden Kujukuri

Harvesting in an Organic Field

Summer vacation is a good time to become addicted to your smartphone.

Summer vacation is a time of intense heat. More and more children are staying at home and using smartphones and the Internet for long hours. There is concern that longer usage time increases the risk of smartphone addiction and Internet addiction. Smartphone and Internet addiction not only affects the physical body, such as sleep disorders, straight neck, and nearsightedness, but also the mind, such as irritability and depression.

In the worst case scenario, the person may not be able to keep up with his/her schoolwork and may even stop going to school, or may verbally and violently abuse his/her family members after having his/her smartphone taken away, cracking family relationships beyond repair. Experts say that unilaterally restricting the use of smartphones or giving frequent reminders is counterproductive, and that the most effective way to prevent this is to increase the opportunities for parents and children to go outside and play together.

Parent-child programs that allow children to play in nature away from their smartphones

Steiner Garden Kujukuri, located near the Kujukuri Coast in Chiba Prefecture, is popular for its parent-child program that allows children to work in the fields and play in water in nature, away from their smartphones. A total of 1,500 people have participated in the program so far, with the largest number of parents and children living in the 23 wards of Tokyo.

In an area of rice paddies as far as the eye can see, there is a vast grassy field and an administration building, and in one area there is an organic field where parents and children can work together. In the summer, the children enjoy playing in the pool in the large garden. Although we do not specifically mention the use of smartphones, participants naturally spend time without looking at their phones. Participants say that as parents themselves get away from their phones and play with their children, they are able to return to their childhood memories and feel a sense of togetherness with their children. Children who have had their parents' full attention return home with a sense of satisfaction and contentment.

The program is held every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., but if participants wish, they can pitch their tents on Saturday afternoon and enjoy overnight camping on the grassland. Camping equipment can be rented at the administration building.

Insect catching is getting better and better!

Both children and adults run around enthusiastically.

One participant commented, "Usually I tend to focus on my phone, but here I want to play with my children with my whole body rather than my phone." The participants said, "I usually tend to focus on my phone, but here I want to play with my children with my whole body rather than my phone. It was a relief to see them here, chasing insects with a bug net in their hands." We have received comments from our customers.

Since the spring of 2020, Steiner Garden Kujukuri has held about 160 programs for parents and children to experience together. The large meadow is home to small tree frogs, grasshoppers, praying mantis, and other species. Children from infants to elementary school students and their parents run around enthusiastically, and while here they can immerse themselves in nature play with their whole bodies, completely unconnected to their smartphones or the Internet. Camping is also possible by pitching a tent. Campers can also cook camp meals using vegetables harvested from the fields, and the experience of sleeping while listening to the sound of insects at night is also recommended during summer vacation.

Representative Sachiko Akagawa says, "Both adults and children cannot live without an Internet environment. I want parents and children to share the experience of being free from all restraints, facing each other genuinely, sweating together, and feeling and enjoying the season. On August 18 (Sun), a woodworking workshop will be held at the same time with a carpenter as an event to support free research during the summer vacation.

A vast meadow

Woodworking workshop

Outline of Steiner Garden Kujukuri Parent-child Program

Location: 1372 Ichimatsu Otsu, Chosei-mura, Chosei-gun, Chiba Prefecture

Dates and times: Every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. "Field and Field Play" is being held.

Fee: 5,500 yen per family (tax included)

Capacity: Up to 6 families

Application: Available at the following URL