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Jorte, a Calendar Application, Enables Comprehensive Search of Event Information Launched a new service "Eventia" that enables comprehensive search of event information


Jorte Corporation (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Goichi Shimobana; hereinafter "Jorte"), which provides the calendar application "Jorte" with more than 36 million downloads worldwide, has started providing the "Eventia" service, a comprehensive event information search service. (There is no fee for using the service or for registering information from organizers.)

Eventia Overview

Eventia is a service that "comprehensively" aggregates information on all types of events, regardless of area or genre, and allows "intuitive" searches by map and category. It displays information on nearby events based on location information, and in addition to the duration of the event, it is possible to narrow down the search by various genres that vary according to the season, such as festivals, fireworks displays, festivals, events for children, and so on. The site also provides summary pages for each facility or organization and real-time event status information.

There is still no service or platform anywhere in the world that can search for events efficiently and comprehensively, and this is a completely new and unique event information platform that aims to collect all event information.

At present, we provide a system that allows users to search intuitively by map and category, but we are pursuing practicality by personalizing the search to narrow it down to event information that matches the demographics and tastes of the user. Coupon, stamp rally, reservation, and ticket functions will also be provided by the end of this fiscal year.

In addition, the service will also provide functions such as school event schedules, school lunch menus, garbage disposal schedules, sports game schedules, and other features that allow users to browse event information of their interests and communities to which they belong, rather than using a map. The service is being launched as a web browser service that does not require a download, and will be available as an application by the end of the year. We aim to expand nationwide and globally, with the number of app downloads reaching 10 million by the end of next fiscal year.

Eventia service collects event information, so there is no cost or hassle for data registration and information can be disseminated.

Eventia screen image

Eventia Introduction

2. functions in preparation

<Functions for Disaster Prevention and Disaster Management

When a disaster occurs, the system automatically switches to disaster information mode and displays real-time disaster information using maps, shared traffic information, and information on evacuation centers. This service enables information sharing at the time of a disaster using the same services that are used on a daily basis.

<Translation into foreign languages

Translation services for inbound (foreign tourists visiting Japan) will be provided, and will be used at tourist information centers and hotels.

<External Linkage

We will create new value through the distribution of event information data by linking data via API, incorporating it into existing websites, and expanding other service linkages such as ID linkage.

(3) Status of Event Data Collection

EventBank, a wholly owned subsidiary, already works with more than 25,000 organizations, including 1,300 local governments and 640 tourist associations, and collects data on more than 40,000 events annually. While highly accurate information is collected through human data collection and checking systems, comprehensive information collection is also realized through the use of AI and other technologies. We expect to collect data on 4 million cases per year by the end of the next fiscal year. 4.

Already in beta version in Hiroshima area, to be expanded nationwide with the release of the official version

The beta version of the service was launched in Hiroshima in July, and data is being collected intensively. Hiroshima is a city of 1 million people with a wealth of content in a compact area, including tourism, culture, history, food, and sports. The city is currently undergoing rapid redevelopment, and the timing is right for major changes throughout the city, including DX-ization, making it the perfect model area to launch this service. In order to spread digital services in the region, we believe it is necessary to not only provide systems, but also to work on community development, so we opened a branch office in Hiroshima and are also focusing on community development using digital technology by belonging to several community development organizations. Having achieved satisfactory results in Hiroshima, we have now officially launched the service and will continue to expand it nationwide.

Hiroshima Urban Center Conference (a city planning organization) * Joined as a regular member in August 2022.

The Smart City Subcommittee is currently working to consolidate local events and demonstrate a disaster prevention system that utilizes eventeering.

Kamihachikiteru (a community development organization) * Joined as a regular member in June 2022.

Utilizing Eventia, a digital stamp rally in collaboration with three professional sports teams in Hiroshima is underway. Stores and facilities in the area will serve as checkpoints, and information on events in the area will also be displayed to encourage visitors to make their way around the city.

Digital Stamp Rally Functionality

Eventia has a digital stamp rally function that pursues an easy-to-understand look and feel with a simple map and list display. It also has real-time display of check status and ranking, coupon and questionnaire functions, and a function for displaying facility PR information to involve facilities and stores in the town.

By providing event display and stamp rally functions at the same time, eventeers can easily and inexpensively implement beneficial measures in urban development and tourism scenes by improving user convenience and promoting circulation.

Digital stamp rally example (Kamihachi-Kiteru, September 28-November 4)

Sake Festival (Higashi Hiroshima City)

At the "Sake Festival," which attracts approximately 200,000 visitors over two days, an "Event Map," a dedicated page for eventiers that allows them to easily find each event within the large-scale event by map and category, will be prepared and deployed, including the dissemination of real-time information.

Example of Event Map (Sake Festival, October 12 and 13)

5. other efforts

With the cooperation of many organizations and facilities, we are collecting comprehensive event information. We are also working with information media organizations such as newspapers, TV, and magazines to realize the collection of all events.

Nishi-Shinjuku Smart City Council

As a follow-up to this release, the Nishi-Shinjuku Smart City Council (Secretariat: Digital Service Promotion Department, Digital Service Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government / Shinjuku Subcenter Area Environmental Improvement Committee, a general incorporated association), which is participating in the project, is also implementing initiatives using Eventia, With the cooperation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Shinjuku Subcenter Area Environmental Improvement Committee, and other Council members, we will continue to comprehensively collect information on events and event facilities in Nishi-Shinjuku, and promote activities to expand this information throughout the Tokyo metropolitan area.

Cooperation with Municipalities

We have been working with major municipalities in Hiroshima Prefecture and Izumo City in Shimane Prefecture, and we aim to develop partnerships with even more municipalities in the future. Through our subsidiary Event Bank, we are already working with 1,300 municipalities and 640 tourism associations.

Collaboration with local newspapers

We have already started collaboration with several newspapers for event information. In the future, we aim to create new business in the digital field by utilizing the ticketing function and linking IDs.

Osaka/Kansai Expo

Event information is also provided to Expo 2025 Official Experiential Travel Guides, a tourism portal site for the Osaka/Kansai Expo operated by the Japan Association for the International Exposition, and will be translated and provided to foreign visitors during the Expo. The information will be translated and provided to foreign visitors during the Expo period.

Tourist facilities and hotels

For tourist facilities and hotels, we will provide free of charge 2D barcodes for eventiers that display information on events in the vicinity, improving convenience for travelers and encouraging them to visit the area. The barcodes will also display translated information to facilitate the delivery of information to foreign visitors. 6.

6. recruitment of collaborating partners

We plan to actively promote collaboration with the following organizations and companies. We are accepting inquiries.

Municipalities, tourist associations

Community development organizations, shopping districts, neighborhood associations, etc.

Event organizers

Media (TV stations, newspapers, magazines, etc.)

Tourist facilities, lodging facilities (hotels, inns, etc.) 7.

Participating organizations

[What is the Hiroshima Urban Center Conference?]

The Hiroshima Urban Center Council is a democratically-led public-private partnership that promotes continuous urban development in cooperation with various parties involved in urban development, in order to pursue the values and solve the problems of Hiroshima's urban center required in the new era. As an intermediary between local area management organizations and the government, we coordinate and support community development that can be carried out in cooperation with both parties.

[What is Kamihachikiteru?]

It is a public-private partnership platform for urban development involving various organizations involved in downtown Hiroshima, mainly private companies, but also government agencies, universities, and others. The platform started with the idea of "making Aioi-dori an urban space for people," and through various social experiments aims to realize an ideal future vision in an action-first manner.

[What is the Nishi-Shinjuku Smart City Council?]

The Nishi-Shinjuku Smart City Council is a group of organizations involved in the Nishi-Shinjuku area that works together to understand the issues facing the area and to solve them through the use of digital technology and other means in order to improve the quality of life of the people who live in the area.

Related URL

Jorte Website

Eventia Introduction page

Eventia service page

Hiroshima Metropolitan Council homepage

Kamihachikiteru Home Page

Nishi-Shinjuku Smart City Council Home Page

Jorte" and "Eventia" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Jorte Corporation.

Other company names and product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.


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