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New Book on "Family Governance" Gaining Attention in Recent Years Family Governance Guidebook for Wealthy Families January 15, 2025 (Wednesday)


Toho Shobo Co. (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo / Representative Director: Kei Kagamibuchi) will publish on January 15, 2025 (Wednesday), "Family Governance", a governance structure designed for the future prosperity of families and growth of family businesses and to be observed within families. Family Governance Guidebook for Asset Owners: Inheritance, Business Succession, Asset Management, and Family Offices", an introductory book on "Family Governance" (edited by Hayato Iwasaki, Representative Attorney at Law, Tsuji & Hongo Tax Corporation Family Office Division, Tsuji & Hongo Family Office, Inc. and Iwasaki Sogo Law Office) Hayato (List price: 2,640 yen including tax)) will be released.


Book Shadow

■Book introduction website

Family governance" is a system of governance to be observed within a family, designed for the purpose of future prosperity of the family and growth of the family business. And the "family office," which is the collective entity that serves as the operator of the family office.

With its roots in medieval Europe and popularized in the United States in the 19th century, it is said that there are currently more than 10,000 family offices in Europe and the United States.

In Japan, the proliferation of family offices is expected to expand in the future, given that many wealthy individuals are owners of family businesses, especially long-established companies that have been in business for more than 100 years, and that interest in asset succession, including inheritance and business succession, has been growing rapidly in recent years.

This publication provides an overview of family governance from both a "tax perspective" by a tax accounting firm that is a leader in asset succession and one of the largest in Japan, and a "legal perspective" by a lawyer who is a leading expert in this field.

It is an introductory book that provides a bird's-eye view of the key points and overall picture for not only asset owners who establish and operate family offices, but also lawyers, tax accountants, certified public accountants, and financial institutions.

Outline of "Family Governance Guidebook for Asset Owners

Subtitle : Inheritance, Business Succession, Asset Management, Family Office

Format : A5 size

Number of pages : 292

Price : 2,640 yen (including tax), 2,400 yen + tax

Editor : Tsuji & Hongo Family Office Division, Tsuji & Hongo Certified Public Tax Accountants' Corporation

       Tsuji & Hongo Family Office Corporation

       Hayato Iwasaki, Representative Attorney at Law, Iwasaki Sogo Law Office

■Table of Contents


Part I. About Family Governance and Family Offices

 Chapter 1 Family Governance

  Section 1 What is Family Governance?

  Section 2: The Three-Circle Model

  Section 3 Definition of Family Members

  Section 4: The Process of Building Family Governance

  Section 5 Components of Family Governance

  Section 6 Changing and Terminating Family Governance

 Chapter 2 Family Office

  Section 1 What is a Family Office?

  Section 2: Differences from an Asset Management Company

  Section 3 Centralization and Management of Assets in a Family Office

  Section 4 Formation of a Family Office

  Section 5: Management of Family Offices

  Section 6 Importance of Tax Planning in Family Offices

Part II Individual Issues of Family Governance (Q&A)

 Chapter 1 Taxation

  Section 1: Tax Payment Funding Measures

  Section 2 Asset Succession Planning

  Section 3 Philanthropy

  Section 4 Asset Management

 Chapter 2 Legal

  Family Risk and Family Governance

  Section 2 Minority Shareholder Risk

  Section 3: Intestate Risk

  Section 4 Divorce and Property Division Risk

  Section 5: Runaway, omission, or absence risk of successor

  Section 6: Risk of assets flowing out to the spousal side of descendants


Profile of editors

Editor (1): Tsuji Hongo Tax & Accountant Corporation (Tsuji Hongo Tax & Accountant Lawyer Corporation)

Established in April 2002. Headquartered in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Tsuji Hongo Tax Corporation is one of the largest tax accounting firms in Japan with over 90 offices in Japan and 7 overseas offices.

A group of professionals specializing in various tax fields, including tax consulting, inheritance, business succession, medical care, M&A, corporate rehabilitation, public corporations, transfer pricing, and international taxation.

In collaboration with lawyers, real estate appraisers, and judicial scriveners, the firm offers one-stop service from the client's perspective and a wide range of services with comprehensive capabilities to meet all needs.

Editors (2): Tsuji Hongo Family Office, Inc.

With Tsuji Hongo Tax Corporation, the largest tax accounting firm in Japan, as its backbone, the firm provides comprehensive advice from tax and legal perspectives not only on the management of assets, but also on their management and succession.

They provide comprehensive support that includes intangible assets such as education, medical care, hobbies, credit, and prestige to accompany the family's life.

[Main Services]

01. Consulting services for family office management

02. Consulting services for asset succession and business succession

03.Consulting services for the succession of overseas assets

04.Support services such as consultation and advice regarding civil trusts, wills, and adult guardianship

05.Services related to management and preservation of property

06.Consultation, advice, and other support services regarding donations to public interest corporations, etc.

Editor (3): Hayato Iwasaki, Representative Attorney at Law, Iwasaki Sogo Horitsu Jimusho (Iwasaki Sogo Horitsu Jimusho Daihyo Bengoshi)

Established Iwasaki Sogo Law Office in 2008

Senior Private Banker

Trustee of Japan Private Trust Foundation

Served as outside director of other business companies, etc.

He also conducts seminars on how to utilize family governance, etc. for employees of PB departments of securities firms and other financial institutions, and at courses for members sponsored by organizations that administer financial qualifications such as financial planner and private banker certifications.

[He is the author of]

Legal Affairs of High Net Worth Individuals: Knowledge and Practice of Family, Asset, Business, and Managerial Compensation" (Nippon Housouji, 2022, sole author)

Practical Q&A on Preventing and Resolving Problems Concerning Stock Compensation - Stock Option Restricted Stock Performance Share" (Nippon Hohojin, 2024, single authored)

[Main Services]

Iwasaki Sogo Law Office "Legal Prime(R)" provides legal services to help high-net-worth individuals clear up their unique asset and income challenges and realize their life and goals.

01. divorce issues, prenuptial agreement support

02. asset and business succession support and troubleshooting

03. minority shareholder measures

04. control disputes

05. mergers and acquisitions

06. investment support (angel investment, aircraft investment, etc.)

07. asset management and preservation (debt management and collection, etc.)

08. social contribution/philanthropy support (foundations, etc.)

09. other consulting (legal education, overseas migration support, etc.)

Issued by: Toho Shobo Company Profile

(1) Company name: TOHOSHOBO Corporation (

  English name: TOHOSHOBO INC.

(2) Representative: Takashi Kagamibuchi, Representative Director

(3) Head office: 4-2-20 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

(4)Main business: Publishing of business books

(5)Capital :35 million yen


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