To carry on the legacy of the late Manabu Kitabeppu, an honorary member of the Professional Baseball Hall of Fame Establishes "Next Player's Foundation" as a general incorporated association.
Next Player's Foundation
We are pleased to announce the establishment of Next Player's Foundation, a general incorporated association, for the purpose of donating and renting (renting) sports equipment to children free of charge.
About Next Player's Foundation (NPF)
NPF was established to carry on the legacy of Manabu Kitabeppu (former professional baseball commentator for the Hiroshima Toyo Carp), who passed away in June 2023. The NPF donates to social welfare organizations and lends (rents) sports equipment free of charge to individuals who want to play sports but cannot afford expensive equipment. The goal is to provide equipment to such children who want to play sports but cannot afford expensive equipment.
Web site]
Background of NPF Establishment
After finishing his career as a professional baseball player, while coaching baseball to children throughout Japan, Kitabeppu realized that there were children who could not continue to play baseball for financial reasons, and children who were interested in baseball but could not afford to purchase equipment.
He was deeply concerned about this problem and proposed to sports manufacturers that they could trade in their old baseball equipment when purchasing new ones and donate them to underprivileged children. However, this proposal did not come to fruition during his lifetime.
To carry on his legacy, we established the Next Player's Foundation (NPF), which collects and renews used gloves, bats, catchers' protective gear, and other equipment that is no longer in use in homes across Japan, and distributes it to children in need. By doing so, the NPF aims to provide children who have given up or are unable to continue playing sports for financial reasons with the opportunity to enjoy sports.
We believe that sports is more than just exercise; it has a great impact on children's growth and the formation of friendships. NPF will continue to connect with this desire so that children around the world can begin to enjoy playing catch, and to support their dreams.
■Cooperating Companies
Hiroshima Toyo Carp Co.
Hiroshima Toyo Carp Co.
Sunmusic Productions Inc.
Sunmusic Productions Inc.
Future Development
Next Player's Foundation (NPF) will begin by donating baseball gloves and balls in-kind to orphanages, support groups, and school facilities throughout Japan. Through this initiative, many children will not only have the opportunity to enjoy a sport that requires equipment, but will also have a positive impact on their mental growth, social development, and learning, and will be able to develop friendships and support healthy growth through sports.
It is also our policy to respond flexibly to requests for assistance from organizations that wish to support us. We always listen to what is happening on the ground and aim to provide the in-kind support that children need in a timely manner.
Furthermore, in order to accommodate individuals who wish to provide support, we are currently planning to release a donation system using LINE. This system will make it possible to provide support on an individual basis, enabling more children to get the equipment they need.
For children in environments where LINE is not available, we will publicize the system so that they can be contacted directly through children's cafeterias and school facilities.
Our ultimate goal is to reduce the number of children forced to give up baseball for financial reasons and to create an environment in which they can continue to pursue their dreams, and the NPF will work with sports manufacturers, sports industry professionals, and local partners to develop a wide range of support activities to achieve this goal.
Future PR
Publicity at events featuring Sun Music talent (charity events are being planned)
Activities will be reported on Hiromi Kitabeppu's official blog, "Connecting the Thoughts of Kitabeppu - For a world where all children can enjoy sports.
Educational activities through lectures by Hiromi Kitabeppu, Representative Director
<Lecture Agenda
As a wife of a professional baseball player
Wife of a professional baseball player
Protecting the wife during a long absence
Life after retirement
Overcoming the nursing care life as a married couple
Fighting the Corona Disease
∙ Interaction with fans
Writing manuscripts in bed
∙Maximizing taste amidst dietary restrictions
○Activities at NPF
■Background of Hiromi Kitabeppu, Representative Director
1982 : Married Manabu Kitabeppu
2011-2013:Chairperson of Hiroshima Branch of the United Nations Assistance Exchange Association
2000-2013 : Director of SOPHIA International Kindergarten
2023 : Director Emeritus, NPO (non-profit organization) Space Outer Space
2023.6 :Manabu Kitabeppu passed away.
2023.6: Manabu Kitabeppu passed away
Outline of NPF
Company name: Next Player's Foundation
Representative Director : Hiromi Kitabeppu
Director : Hiroyuki Oka (President of Sun Music Productions Inc.)
Masatoshi Hirakawa (former member of the Hiroshima Toyo Carp)
Fujio Yoshimura (President of Takahachi Co., Ltd.)
Establishment : August 20, 2024
HP :
- Category:
- Corporate Trends
- Genres:
- Other Sports Education Economy(Japan)