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Contents for deriving the best shoe shape for each individual foot Shoe Type Diagnosis Web Version (Self-Type Diagnosis) on our website on February 1.


Functional Beauty Body Method Association (Location: Suita-shi, Osaka; Representative Director: Hiroko Matsumoto), which provides shoe type diagnosis, will release "Shoe Type Diagnosis Web Version (Self-Type Diagnosis)" on February 1, 2025 (Saturday) on the official website of Functional Beauty Body Method Association, which can derive the most suitable shoe shape for each individual's feet. The self-type diagnosis is available on the official website of the Functional Beauty Body Method Association.

Self-Type Diagnosis URL:


Shoe Type Diagnosis (8 types in total)

Purpose of release

Hiroko Matsumoto, the Representative Director of the Association, who has been an instructor for 30 years and has given more than 20,000 lessons and presentations, has developed the shoe type diagnosis through contact with many of her students.

We have been offering one-on-one shoe type diagnosis in person and online, but by making it available on the web, we hope to contribute to the promotion of health and the selection of pain-free shoes for everyone.

Features of the content

(1) Helping to understand foot-related problems

This section introduces problems that may occur for each type of foot. Photographs are also included so that you can put them into perspective for yourself.

(2)You can learn how to choose the right shoes for your foot type

By introducing shoes that do not fit and recommended shoes for each foot type with photos, you can refer to the information for your shopping. We have received comments such as "heeled shoes don't hurt anymore" by knowing your foot type.

Outline of "Shoe Type Diagnosis Web Version (Self-Type Diagnosis)


Release date: Saturday, February 1, 8:00 a.m.

Fee: Free of charge

Operation and planning: Functional Beauty Body Method Association


Self-Type Diagnosis


Trade name: Functional Beauty Body Method Association

Representative: Hiroko Matsumoto, President

Location: Suita City, Osaka

Establishment: November 2, 2022

Business: Training courses, training, and examinations for certified instructors of shoe type diagnosis

      Management of certified instructors for shoe type diagnosis

      Sponsor posture lessons for companies

      Essential Walking Meister Training Course

      Sponsoring walking lessons

      Dispatch of lecturers to event seminars workshops



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