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New release of oT-Record(TM) by OCTEC Corporation -Dramatic improvement in brightness acquisition accuracy and new analysis software oT-Analyzer  Highly accurate image data can be instantly verified on the spot.

oT-Record = System for simultaneous acquisition of dynamic high-precision image and luminance data


OCTEC Corporation (Location: 2-8-22 Nakane, Meguro-ku, Tokyo; President: Kopff Pierre) is a Japanese company that develops and manufactures innovative solutions targeting luminance (brightness), which is gaining importance in the automotive industry.

We are pleased to announce the new release of our "oT-Record" with greatly improved functionalities. We have already delivered the newly released version to more than one major automobile manufacturer who had already purchased the first version of the product.

What is oT-Record(TM)?

oT-Record(TM) is a system that dynamically and accurately acquires images and luminance data simultaneously.

The product is capable of measuring at high resolution and high frequency of over 60Fps and 4K, and can acquire accurate luminance distribution not only day and night, but also under special conditions such as backlighting, snowy roads, and rainy weather. Measurements can be taken not only on public roads, but also in more diverse real-world environments, such as indoor environments and test courses, where image and luminance data can be collected simultaneously.

Data acquired with "oT-Record" can be input as content for our "HALDiS(TM)" =High-Actual-Luminance Display System.

In this released version, the luminance acquisition accuracy of "oT-Record" has been greatly improved. In addition, highly accurate image data can be checked immediately at the site of acquisition. This makes it possible to immediately verify data acquired during nighttime operations on site, preventing the need to redo measurements.

Newly equipped with analysis software, "oT-Analyzer"

In addition, the released version of "oT-Record" is newly equipped with data analysis software. "oT-Analyzer" is a tool for high-speed analysis of the "color and brightness" of a series of SDR or HDR images, from a single image to thousands or tens of thousands of images. It can analyze points, lines, and planes with averages and extremes, can automatically create histograms, and can output numerical tables!

"oT-Analyzer" is also a valuable tool for verifying the results of CG simulations of traffic scenes by referring to the data collected by "oT-Record".

"oT-Record" Accuracy

The accuracy of the newly released "oT-Record" is as follows.

<Metrological specifications>

Measurement D-range*: 1:50000

General Mismatch Index**: V(lambda)[f1'<4%] (*)

Measurable luminance **** : 0.01 c d/m2

Repeatability :at 10cd/m2 or more ±4.2% (cd/m2)

Measurement accuracy: at 10 cd/m2 or more ±4.2% (cd/m2)

*Based on our measurement standard.

** Method of evaluating the performance of illuminance meters and luminance meters based on ISO/CIE1937:2014. Measured with our setting values. Konica Minolta CS-2000 used for reference.

***"General Mismatch Index" of Konica Minolta CS-100A luminance meter is placed in First Measurement Mode, f1' < 7% (stabilized for 3 seconds before measuring the value).

**** With f1.4 lens. 1/30 sec shutter speed, standard light source D65.

[Attached image description

oT-Analyzer GUI

oT-Analyzer GUI

oT-Analyzer's histogram analysis of the luminance of highway driving scenes with significant sunlight reflection, such on a tanker truck and on car windows.

oT-Record 車両内設置

oT-Record Installation in a vehicle

oT-Record camera installed in a vehicle.

The camera records data independently without being connected to a PC or power supply. It can be activated and controlled remotely.


ADB verification while driving using oT-Record

oT-Record can dynamically analyze the functionality of intelligent automotive headlights. This image clearly characterizes the switch-on and switch-off sequence of lighting segments during overtaking on a local road.

[Company Profile

OCTEC Corporation is a Japanese company that develops and markets luminance (brightness) reproduction solutions for the automotive and image sensor industries in Japan and overseas.

Trade name: OCTEC Inc.

Representative Director: Kopff Pierre

Location: 2-8-22 Nakane, Meguro-ku, Tokyo

       (French sales office) 60 quai Perrache 69002 Lyon France

Business : Virtual environment construction for development and verification

Capital : 35 million yen



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