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Conveniently portable coffee dripper & wind stand DriStar" on Sale 2-in-1 product that combines wind stand and dripper functions

Easy to assemble and free to carry. Elevate your camping scene with Dorista.


Nasa Industry Co. (Location: Sue-cho, Kasuya-gun, Fukuoka, Japan; President: Kouta Nagasawa) announces the release of its new product, the DriStar. This innovative coffee dripper and wind stand is designed for solo campers and coffee drinkers, and is a 2-in-1 product that combines the functions of a windshield and a dripper.

Purchase site:


Parts Photo

1. product overview

The "DriStar" is a coffee dripper and wind stand with a hexagonal motif design and assembled specifications for easy portability.

The material used is stainless steel (SUS304 2B) 1.0mm thick, the size is W137mm x D127mm x H65mm, and the weight is approximately 193g.


Coffee Dripper

コーヒードリッパー サイズ

Coffee Dripper Size

2. development background

The "DriStar" was developed as a product derived from the Gotomaki. It can also be used as a coffee stand, which is a feature of Gotomaki, with the hope that it will be used together.

ドリスタ ロゴ

Dorista Logo

3. product features

Easy to assemble and maintain. The windproof function allows stable coffee brewing even on windy days.

Beautiful hexagonal design and convenient carrying with carabiner hooks.

<Product Outline

Product name: DriStar

Date of release : February 10, 2025

Price : 5,500 yen

Size: W137mm x D127mm x H65mm

Sales site :



4. user's voice

Users who have actually used the product have highly evaluated it, saying, "It brews coffee stably even on windy days," and "Easy to assemble and convenient to carry.

5. technical capabilities of nasa industries

Nasa Kogyo's products are manufactured using advanced processing technology by our craftsmen and state-of-the-art equipment. Our design is based on our experience and combines functionality and design.

Company Profile

Company Name : Nasa Kogyo Co.

Location: 1323-1, Oaza Satani, Sue-cho, Kasuya-gun, Fukuoka, Japan

Representative Director: Kota Nagasawa

Established: October 1, 1969

Employees: 103 (as of November 2024)

Main business: Various metal processing (SS material, SUS, AL, etc., plates and steel materials)

       One-stop production and management from material processing to various types of painting and other finishing

Official website:

Logo Image