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Released "Jowa Tabi," a portal site for "solo travel" information! The site features travel plans for solo travelers at luxury resorts and travel plans that allow users to post and view their own travel experiences, Users can post and view their own travel experiences.


Jowa TV (operated by Jowa TV LLC), which provides travel videos to Amazon Prime Video and U-NEXT, recently launched "Jowa Tabi," an information portal site under the theme of "solo travel," on Friday, March 14, 2025.

Detailed URL:


Joie travel top page

Joie Travel" is a portal site that offers a wide variety of travel plans and tours for single travelers, especially those for single travelers, which are usually the default, and even if single-person plans are available, they are relatively expensive. The site selects and posts information only on accommodation plans and tours that do not offer single-person plans, or that are relatively expensive even if such plans are available. The site targets people who want to enjoy solo travel by selecting plans for one person at luxury resorts and famous ryokan inns, which at first glance may seem out of the ordinary for solo travelers.


The site offers a full range of plans for solo travelers at luxury hotels and ryokan (Japanese-style inns)!

In addition, the site offers "My Jowa" (free for up to 3 plans / 220 yen per month for subsequent subscriptions), which allows users visiting the site to post and view their own travel experiences and travel plans as "solo travel plans," as well as plans for unlimited access to Jowa TV's video content.

A partnership (information posting) plan is available for 2,200 yen per month (tax included) for information provided by accommodation facilities and travel planning companies throughout Japan.


We are waiting for your "one-person travel plans!

Kitaro Muro, representative of Jowa TV and a certified domestic travel business manager, says, "Nowadays, 'solo travel' is a basic unit of travel. A trip that is enjoyable to travel alone is a trip that should be spent with friends, lovers, and family," says Kitaro Muro, the representative of Jowa TV and a certified domestic travel business administrator.

Joie travel" is intended to further expand the world of solo travel and eventually change the joy of travel.

For the time being, "Joie Travel" will be operated exclusively for domestic travel.

Company Profile

Company name: Jowa T.V. LLC

Representative: Kitaro Muro

Location: WIN Aoyama 531, 2-2-5 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062

Capital : 9.99 million yen

Business description: Planning and production of video works for Internet distribution,

      Information and communication service business using the Internet, etc.


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